This page is a resource listing Greener Magazine's Public Partners such as: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, all 50 states, local government agencies and a host of other local organizations who provide support to Greener Magazine by developing programs for the public that promote environmental responsibility through Greener Living.

Christina Foundation
Used Technology

Electronics and small
appliance recycle centers

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center in your area

Used cell phones

The Collective Good

Rechargeable Electronics Batteries

Some other fun things to do and learn about Greener Living, you may even want to start building a world!

Save this graphic and print on your color printer. Cut out the net, fold lightly along all of the triangles and the tabs, and then join tabs to edges to create an icosahedron decorated with the continents of the world.
Building tips: Begin by joining the ORANGE tab at the bottom to the edge on the opposite side (this forms the continent of Antarctica). Join the rest of the BLUE tabs to adjacent edges. Glue the LIGHT GREEN tabs last -- you'll see that each pair of light green tabs has a triangle that drops right over them.

More help from our
Public Partners

Earth 911 For help call

Hollowtop Simplified 'Tech'

Simple Living Tools, Examples & Contacts For Conscious, Simple, Healthy & Restorative Living

The Green Builder’s Catalog Resources for Green building technologies

World Resources Institute Creates practical ways to protect the planet and improve people's lives

National Geographic Wild World Interactive Wild World Conservation Maps

USGS Water Resources Water Resources of the United States

Exploring the Environment Teacher pages, modules and activities

Environmental Protection Agency Search the EPA

Scorecard Pollution information by location

Rivers of Life Teacher resources

Rainforest Alliance Innovative solutions for global conservation

Earth Force Young people improving the environment and their communities

Kids F.A.C.E Kids for a Clean Environment

Globe Worldwide, hands-on education and science program

Global Response Environmental Action & Education Network

Good Humans a leading online retailer of environmentally responsible products

Friends of the Earth World's largest network of Environmental Groups

Explore a Pond A virtual pond project

ENN Environmental News Network

American Museum of Natural History ‘Endangered’ Endangered environments exhibit

ECO World Nature and technology

ECO Sustainable Hub Sustainable resources

Ecological Terms to know

Earth Shots Satellite images of the environment

Earth Pulse Explore virtual worlds

Earth Day every day

The World’s Biomes Earth's natural communities

A Busy Person’s Guide to Greener Living Simple answers and guidance for the busy person going green

Environmental Groups

African Wildlife Foundation works to conserve the wild animals of Africa and the land they inhabit.

The Alliance for Justice is a national association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, women's, children's and consumer advocacy organizations

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) is dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection.

The Center for a Livable Future promotes policies to protect health, the environment and sustainable living.

Clean Water Network is an alliance of over 1000 organizations working to protect our nation's water resources.

Conservation International promotes biodiversity conservation in endangered ecosystems worldwide.

CREST provides information about energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable technology information and connections.

Defenders of Wildlife works to protect wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Earth First! works to protect wilderness through radical means.

Earth Island Institute provides organizational support in developing projects to protect the global environment.

Earth Share manages workplace giving campaigns for its member charities.

Earth Summit Watch works to implement Agenda 21, the blueprint for sustainable development, adopted by the world's leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.

Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund strives to protect people and natural resources by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws (formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund).

Earthwatch sponsors scientific field research to improve understanding of the planet and its inhabitants.

Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) provides multidisciplinary research and development of innovative energy and environmental technologies for the protection of air, water and soil.

Environmental Defense combines science, economics, and law to find economically sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

Environmental Literacy Council offers links to environmental resources on the web.

Environmental Working Group provides the public with locally relevant information on the environment.

Friends of the Earth USA focuses on the underlying social and economic causes of environmental problems.

Greenpeace uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and force solutions.

League of Conservation Voters is a bipartisan group working to educate voters and win elections on behalf of the environment.

National Audubon Society works through advocacy, policy, science, litigation, sanctuary management, grassroots outreach and education to protect birds and their habitats.

National Coalition for Marine Conservation is dedicated to conserving ocean fish, preventing overfishing, reducing bycatch and protecting habitat.

National Environmental Trust is a non-partisan organization dedicated to educating the American public on contemporary environmental issues.

National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) is dedicated to protecting, preserving and enhancing the U.S. National Park System.

National Religious Partnership for the Environment seeks to integrate commitment to global sustainability and environmental justice into all aspects of religious life.

National Wildlife Federation unites individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect nature and wildlife.

Natural Resources Defense Council protects the environment and human health through advocacy, litigation, research and education. (And publishes this website!)

The Nature Conservancy preserves habitats and species by buying the lands and waters they need to survive.

Nuclear Control Institute monitors nuclear activities worldwide and pursues strategies to reverse the growth of nuclear arms.

Oceana works to protect and restore the world's oceans through advocacy, science, law and public education.

Public Agenda provides information on issues ranging from abortion to welfare.

Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) is an association of watchdog organizations dedicated to safeguarding the public interest and protecting the environment.

Rainforest Action Network protects rainforests through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action.

Rainforest Alliance promotes research and education to conserve tropical rainforests.

Scenic America protects scenic roads, prevents billboards from trashing our highways and helps people create more attractive communities.

Sierra Club promotes environmental conservation by influencing public policy -- legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.

Society of Environmental Journalists is a membership group of print and broadcast journalists as well as educators and students. SEJ's purpose is to enable journalists to better inform the public about critical issues concerning the environment.

Southern Environmental Law Center is the only environmental organization dedicated solely to protecting the natural resoures of the southeastern United States.

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance works to protect the magnificent canyon country and unspoiled public lands surrounding Utah's prized national parks.

Union of Concerned Scientists is dedicated to advancing responsible public policies in areas where science and technology play a critical role.

The Wilderness Society protects wild places in the United States through public education, policy work and litigation.

Wildlife Conservation Society, headquartered at New York City's Bronx Zoo, works to save wildlife and wild lands throughout the world.

The Woods Hole Research Center addresses environmental issues through scientific research and education.

World Resources Institute helps governments and private organizations cope with environmental, resource and development challenges of global significance.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) seeks to reverse degradation of the environment by promoting biodiversity and sustainability, while minimizing pollution and consumption.

World Wildlife Fund (U.S.) dedicated to protecting the world's wildlife and wildlands.

Green Sites of Note

Path of Freedom Journal Pioneering a Journey toward step at a time.